An insert dedicated to Roboplast
Interview with Paolo Clot (Sales Director) and Antonio Lo Russo (Sales manager)
We are proud to inform you that in the September issue of Carni&Consumi, a B2B magazine for professionals working in the meat market, we are featured among the pages dedicated to new materials with a special insert on RoboGREEN, our eco-sustainable product series.the B2B magazine of reference for those operating in this market, we are present among the pages dedicated to new materials with a special insert on RoboGREEN, our series of eco-sustainable products.
Interviewed by Carni&Consumi, Paolo Clot and Antonio Lo Russo, respectively Sales Director and Sales Manager of Roboplast, present RoboGREEN RPET HB (high barrier) and RoboGREEN RPET HT (high temperature) materials.
Read the interview! [in Italian]
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